Custom shaped flash drives are one of the most popular promotional products. The reasons for this is simple.
USB Flash Drives are great tools as they can hold 1000’s of pictures , documents and any computer file for easy transfer and back up.
USB Flash Drives are also at their all-time historic low in pricing so there are a bargain.
As a design promotion they are ideal.
They can be molded into the shape of a logo, a custom shaped icon or mascot, product shape or unique marketing idea.
We have done everything from custom shaped USB trucks, toys, T-shirt shapes, bottle, people, cars, refrigerators, tool and hundreds of other ideas.
To see our Gallery go to https://www.flickr.com/photos/71122427@N02/sets/72157628237590417/
Custom, shaped, usb, flash, drives, memory, sticks, molded, inexpensive, promocrunch, promotional, products, ad, specialty