What do the PIGS in the Promo Industry Dream of? They Dream of BIG Pig-like Margins. Are You Thinking Like a PIG?
I have been a supplier to the promotional products industry for nearly 25 years and one thing I have learned is the following. The distributors who think like a PIG get profits far outweighing those who don’t get to the front of the trough.
How do you think PIG?
Start promoting and selling ideas and products that produce bigger margins.
Bigger margins come from doing 2 main things.
- Sell something different. If you sell the same thing as your competitor and the same thing all the time your price (and margin) will be pegged at the lowest point. It is simple economics.
- Sell smarter. Get in on the trends while they are ramping up not after the fact. A good idea is Fidget Spinners. A year ago those distributors who sold on the upswing of the trend made out like a bandit, those selling spinners now? Not so much!